Meet with Gökhan Uşma, Academically Outstanding Alumni of the Year at the 2023 Outstanding Alumni Awards.

He worked in many scientific projects and conducted research on contemporary design approaches. In addition to his achievements in the 10th International Architecture and Urban Films Festival Selection List, many of his articles have been published in international refereed journals. Moreover, his papers were published in the books and proceedings books presented at international scientific meetings. He was the editor of the CICOP Italy office. At the same time, he became a research assistant at Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University between 2017-2021 and a doctoral faculty member in 2022. He continues his administrative duties at Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University as a member of the University’s Foreign Student Selection and Evaluation Commission, Deputy Head of the Department, Head of the Department and the Coordinator of the Academic Incentive Commission of the Department, together with the University Academic Incentive Regulation, Supervision and Objection unit.